One to One Therapies with Lynn

Talking Therapies
Are you fighting a constant battle with fear and anxiety?
Do you have a phobia of driving, flying, needles or something else?
Do you lack confidence or and feel it impossible to switch off the negative voice in your head?
Have you experienced a trauma and its stopping you from moving on?
Are you struggling with cancer diagnosis or a chronic physical illness?
Then maybe I can help

My approach
I am a firm believer in the importance of individual choice and that when it comes to emotional wellbeing, one size does not fit all. For this reason, in 2007 whilst still working part time as a registered mental health nurse, I took the decision to train in a wide range of complementary and self-help therapies. This allowed me to deliver holistic packages to my private clients alongside my NHS work.
When someone comes to see me, we discussed their individual needs and expectations at length and the resulting sessions tend to be a combination of a number of therapies and teaching of self-help techniques depending on what I feel is the most suitable approach. This can include Clinical Hypnotherapy, Self-hypnosis, Mindfulness, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Integral Eye Movement (IEMT).
What I am also able to offer, which most other therapists can’t, is the benefit of my 35 years NHS experience as a qualified and practicing mental health nurse. I am also a member of The Royal College of Nursing, The British Complementary Medicine Association, The General Hypnotherapy Register, The Association of Reflexologists, The Integral Eye Movement Therapy Association and The Reiki & Seichem Association.