Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)  

EFTs can be used as both a therapy and a self-help tool. It borrows elements from acupuncture, kinesiology, and psychology and is sometimes referred to as “tapping” as it involved tapping on the meridian pint of the face, chest and hands whilst focusing on the negative emotion.  
There is also an element of eye movement so some links with Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR). 
The theory of EFT is that traumatic events can create blockages in the energy pathways in the body (meridians) which manifest as negative emotions. When we tap on specific acupuncture points whilst focusing on the problem, we can remove the negative charge. 
Will EFT help me? 
Although there are still no guarantees, based on my own experience of using EFT both as a self-help tool for myself and as a therapist, I believe it to be the most effective therapy I have ever come across. It can be used for a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms, but over the many years I have been using it, I have found that it works best on past traumas, fears, phobias, imposter syndrome and exam or interview nerves. 
I undertook my EFT practitioner training with Phoenix EFT in Birmingham qualifying in 2008 and became an EFT trainer accredited with the British Complementary Medicine Association (BCMA) in 2015 
Please click HERE if you wish to ask a question of book an appointment 
“I have known Lynn for eight years, since first having a reflexology session from her. I was impressed with the excellent treatment and Lynn herself, so have been back many more times for other treatments, including massage, reflexology and EFT training (both group and individual training), all of which were professionally delivered and produced great results. 
Lynn has become a friend over time. She is kind, understanding and, most important of all, I trust her to know what is right for me and my body and to advise me accordingly on the best treatment for whatever ails me. Learning EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping) through Lynn’s teaching has become the most life changing treatment by far as it gave me a means to deal with old, emotional issues which had been holding me back and causing stress in my life. I would recommend Lynn and her treatments (but especially EFT) to anyone thinking about booking with her.” 
Please click HERE if you wish to ask a question of book an appointment or call me on 07851570447